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Kayak rentals
Adding kayaks makes for a great water adventure! The Ouachita River Oden access is 2 minutes from Edendell if floating the river is your kind of adventure. Kayaks are also a great way to get out and explore the islands on the lake! Kayak rentals include life jackets and paddles. We also offer shuttle service. Reserve online or call or text: 870-681-1884 for reservations.
5 adult kayaks for rent
1 youth kayak for rent
$40 a day per kayak
$10 per person to add shuttle service to and from the river.
According to Arkansas law, each person must have a life jacket available in the kayak. Children under the age of thirteen must wear a life jacket at all times while in the vessel. 

Ouachita River Kayaking Trips

Map of Ouachita River Put-ins and take-outs



KayaksKayaksKayaksKayaks on Trailer